About Sharon Gibson
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But we are proud to say that Sharon Gibson contributed 10 entries already.
Entries by Sharon Gibson
FWC announces Spiny Lobster Season
/0 Comments/in News/by Sharon GibsonThe regular 2019 commercial and recreational spiny lobster season starts Aug. 6 and runs through March 31, 2020. “Spiny lobster season is an exciting time of year to be on the water,” said Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Chairman Robert Spottswood. “But it’s also a time to remember safety on the water and […]
GMFMC January Meeting
/0 Comments/in News/by Sharon GibsonAt their January 2019 meeting in Orange Beach, AL, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management reappointed to another term all six members of the Spiny Lobster Advisory Panel. They include: Bill Kelly – Chair, Daniel Padron – Vice-Chair, Joshua Nicklaus, George Niles, Simon Stafford and Robert Gaitanis. FKCFA Executive Director Bill Kelly attended the meeting […]
2019 FKCFA Scholarships
/0 Comments/in News/by Sharon GibsonAttention High School Students that graduate this year! It’s time to apply for the annual Florida Keys Commercial Fishermen’s Association Scholarship Program. Applications are now in all the Monroe County High Schools. Preference is given to students from a commercial fishing family or marine related business. (Check with your career counselor) or download the application […]
South Atlantic Council Issues
/0 Comments/in News/by Sharon GibsonOnce again at their December 2018 meeting, the SAFMC has postponed any remedial action to alleviate negative, socio-economic impacts with regard to the commercial harvest of yellowtail snapper, over 95% of which takes place in the Florida Keys. The Council has deferred action until the next SEDAR stock assessment is complete sometime in 2020. Six […]
FKCFA Member highlighted in National Fishermen’s Magazine
/0 Comments/in News/by Sharon GibsonCongratulations Ernie Piton III of Key Largo, Florida for being chosen for Boat of the Month in National Fishermen’s Magazine. Pick up the latest issue and check out Ernie’s 34-foot boat Trade Secret. Great job Ernie!